Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Squeeze my lemon

A friend of mine just sent me this video about all the germs found on lemons in your drinks in restaurants. My opinion? Meh! Germophobic bitch! Those germs are there, always have been. They're everywhere. If you take a swab of your kitchen counter I can almost guarantee there will be fecal bacteria there too. It just is. And you don't even want to know about your kitchen sponge. (Get the thing wet and nuke it for 3-4 min every few days.) Who knows how it gets there. But we've been living with it. I've been getting lemons in my water for years and haven't gotten sick. "That which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger."

My uneducated opinion is that the combination of the vitamin C content and the acidity of the lemon more than offset any germs, including any germs that may have been in the water itself. So, I will continue to squeeze my lemon. hahaha Just to be totally safe I think I'll stick with Jack and Coke with a lime. The Jack will certainly kill anything harmful. I'm just drinking it to be safe . . .

How the hell did they even do this "study"? Did they have a freakin' petri dish at the table with them? Did the lady herself maybe drop a deuce and not wash her hands while she was at the restaurant? Either way if I were the waiter and I saw that shit I know I'd be wiping my ass with the lady's steak! Maybe even a shot of special sauce for good measure. ;)

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